Lead Nurturing Email Series Purchase Policy

Last updated: November 22, 2022

This Purchase Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the purchase of a Lead Nurturing Email Series, and is intended to protect both our organization and our clients during the service agreement.

Program Usage

Lead Nurturing Email Series programs that are not used within 6 months from the date the purchase is made do not expire but a 15% re-activation fee will be applied to re-engage in the program.


Payments can be made by a credit or debit card transaction through the website, auto-transfer or via other methods at agreement acceptance. Receipts will be sent to the main client’s contact upon transaction completion or bank approval and clearing.

Invoices will be due within 15 days of receipt. If the Client requires services that are outside the scope of work as defined in this agreement, the Client agrees to pay Psyche Digital on a time and materials basis as outlined by a unique proposal or invoice that will be submitted for approval. We reserve the right to hold work or shut down services if payments are egregiously overdue.


  • Payment must be made in advance.
  • In order to successfully integrate and automate, the Email Management System in use must be one of the following: MailChimp, Active Campaign, HubSpot, or Constant Contact. Other Email Management Systems may be accepted, but cannot be guaranteed.
  • The Lead Nurturing Email Series will not exceed 5 emails, employing best practices for length and number of CTAs.
  • If there is a desire for a larger Lead Nurturing Email Series Psyche Digital will provide an estimate in advance of the cost associated with the expansion of the program.

  • Lead Nurturing Email Series purchases have a validity period of 6 months (work must be started and/or approved within this timeframe), after which point a 15% re-activation fee of the program cost will be applied to begin again.

  • Lead Nurturing Email Series work will be addressed on regular Monday thru Friday business days.


1 Lead Nurturing Email Series will cost $1,950 if ordered prior to December 31, 2022.

Delivery Timeframes

Psyche Digital will provide timeframes of completion, and come to agreements with the Client throughout the content development process.

Refund Policy

Psyche Digital allows for full refunds of Lead Nurturing Email Series orders within 24 hours of purchase with no penalty.

If a Lead Nurturing Email Series refund is requested within 30 days of purchase, Psyche Digital will gladly return 75% of the purchase cost.

If a refund is requested beyond a 30-day period, Psyche Digital is unable to provide a refund. However, we will allow the transfer of the Lead Nurturing Email Series program to another client.

Refunds will be issued to the card used if purchased electronically. If paid by invoice or wire transfer, the refund method can be discussed and agreed upon by both parties.


If you have any questions regarding this Purchase Policy, You can contact us:

By email: [email protected]

By phone number: 970-281-5530