Branding Questionnaire What is the name of your company?Your nameEmail PhoneAddresses of any current website / social media accountsWebsiteWebsiteWebsiteWebsiteBrand ValuesWhat is your company's mission statement?Benefit of your product/service: Does it save your customers money? Does it help them increase ROI? Think about how exactly you’re helping your target audience.Five words that represent your brand: Think about your brand’s personality. How would you describe it?What are 3 messages your brand needs to communicate? Why does your brand matter?Value proposition: How do you solve your customers’ problems? This should summarize why someone would by your product or why they should invest in your services.Brand AttributesThe following questions will dive into the essence and identity of your brand.Masculine/Feminine--MasculineFeminineOtherPlease explain:Simple/Intricate--SimpleIntricateOtherPlease explain:Grey/Colorful--GreyColorfulOtherPlease explain:Conservative/Extravagant--ConservativeExtravagantOtherPlease explain:Approachable/Authoritative--ApproachableAuthoritativeOtherPlease explain:Necessity/Luxury--NecessityLuxuryOtherPlease explain:Fun/Serious--FunSeriousOtherPlease explain:Professional/Casual--ProfessionalCasualOtherPlease explain:Modern/Classic--ModernClassicOtherPlease explain:Sporty/Elegant--SportyElegantOtherPlease explain:Extreme/Safe--ExtremeSafeOtherPlease explain:What colors represent your brand?What colors would you not want to see?What words would you use to describe your brand’s image?What words would you not want used to describe your brand’s image?What attributes or emotions would you want associated with your brand?What attributes would you not want associated with your brand?Abstract ValuesTo answer the following questions, use your imagination to think about your brand in unique situations.How would you describe your brand to a friend?How would you describe its style?What other brands would be its friends?Where would your brand hangout?Age? Gender?What actor/actress would be perfect to play your brand? Why?What kind of car would your brand be?What animal would represent your brand?Please Share 2-3 examples of websites with branding that you like:Website example #2Website example #3Remember: There’s no need to rush through answering all of these questions! Your responses will ultimately determine your brand’s positioning, so this exercise should take you some time. Δ